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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do we have to be a Christian Organization to Participate ?

No. We will work with any organization as long as they do not cause us to violate our core values.  Every organization  is subject to Board approval, Christian or Non-Christian. If you would like to be a host clinic please contact us at


2. How do we become a Host for the clinic ?

Email for an application. Applications are approved and reviewed during our Board Meetings. 


3. Do we have to agree with the doctrine of Point of the Spear Ministries ?

No. There are many viewpoints and theological differences between denomination. Wherever POTSM practices, we are guest. As guest we will honor the host organizations' leaderships and rules as long as it does not violate our core values or the code of Virginia concerning the practice of medicine.


4.How do I become a volunteer for the clinic ?

Go to our Join Us section.  Applications are approved and reviewed during our Board Meetings. 


5. What if you encounter a medical situation you can't handle ?

The providers and staff of Point of the Spear Ministries are required by the state of Virginia to stay within their own scope or practice. This is regulated by law. Each provider is aware of their own scope and will treat based on those limitations. If there is an emergency situation we will contact the emergency medical system and move forward accordingly.


6. Are you Insured ?

Yes. We have Malpractice Insurance through the State of Virginia as a free clinic. We can handle any medical claims resulting from our care. 

We also have our own general liability insurance. 

The host organization will need to handle any non medical claims associated with the volunteers they provide and the facility.


7. How are disputes handled by POTSM and the host organization ?

We provide a Hold Harmless Agreement  for each organization. If there are any issues please contact


8. Does POTSM participate in speaking engagements ?

Absolutely ! Programming for the clinic is under host's discretion. We have staff available that can speak before the clinic begins and or after. We are more than happy to speak to any board approved organization for speaking engagements outside of clinicals times. 


7. When are the clinics open?

The clinics are typically for 4-5 hours and opened on the weekend. Each host organization will help determine what times work best for the community they work in.

People can also contact us at for individual appointments as needed.


9. When is there follow up care?

Follow up care is completed on a case by case basis. Since POTSM is a mobile clinic. The patient will either have to travel to the next clinic sit, set up a virtual visit or make arrangements at a designated clinical office in the community. If POTSM cannot follow up the patient will be given a referral and a recommended follow up time. 







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