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Our Mission


A faith based non profit organization created to be the “Point of the Spear.”To provide  medical care to those in are in need . The specialties  include but are not limited to : urgent care, primary care, medication assisted treatment and vascular care.

How It Works 

Point of the Spear Ministries is a mobile clinic. We make discreet individual appointments with those who need medical care. Schedules an appointment at


We also provide pop-up clinics at different locations during the year. We partner with a non-profit organization, business or church  who host us in their community for a clinic. 


All clinics are free. No income requirements or proof of insurance is required. No eligible standards need to be met .


 Our Vision

To soften the ground for the reception of the Gospel by meeting physical needs and showing the
world miracles are still for today.

Doctrinal Statements

1. There is only ONE God.(Isaiah 44:6)


2. Jesus is the son of God who came to earth as a human. He was human and tempted in every way and remained perfect without sin. He died on the cross and was brought back to life. (Hebrews 4:15)​


3.God is sovereign meaning first in command, and has given us as born again believers  authority and power over this world  through the name of Jesus. (Psalm 135:6-7)


4.It is God’s will that all be saved. (1 Timothy 2:4)


5.There are evil forces lead by the Devil to hinder the move of God and people from following God’s will and plan for their lives. We are enforcers of his will through the name of Jesus.(IPeter5:8)


6.If you believe in the name of Jesus and that God raised him from the dead you will be saved ( Romans 10:9-10) and you may receive the Power of the Holy Spirit(Acts1:8).


7.Salvation and being filled with the Holy Spirit are two different events (Acts 19:6).


8.There is power in the name of Jesus.(Mark 16:14)


9.Physical, emotional and spiritual sickness can be healed by the name of Jesus.(Matthew 10:8)


10.We believe in speaking in tongues(Acts 19:6)( 1 Corinthians 14:39).

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